intended audience
40 minutes

Course Description

In his book Kitchen Confidential, the late chef Anthony Bourdain likened a kitchen line to a ballet or modern dance ---

“It’s a high-speed collaboration resembling, at its best, ballet or modern dance. A properly organized, fully loaded line cook, one who works clean, and has ‘moves’—meaning economy of movement, nice technique, and, most important, speed—can perform his duties with Nijinsky-like grace.”

In order for a group of food and beverage “dancers” to create this grace, harmony, and economy of movement, they must have communication between them. We have these subtle communications in the dining room and also when we are serving banquets. A captain will gesture or give a simple nod to indicate a step of service to others. You may make eye contact with one of your partners and make a subtle gesture to the right indicating that you need help at your table.

It is the subtle communications, the graceful movements, the attentive posture, awareness of body language, and knowing the sequence of service to follow - our dance steps - creating the harmony of coordinated movements.

In this program, participants will be taken through the proper sequence of food and beverage service for dinner as if they are ‘dance steps’ with multiple partners – a series of service steps that we must follow consistently in order to provide exceptional experiences to our guests.


Whitney Reid Pennell
Founder and President, RCSU

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